Sunday, December 5, 2010

My 16th Birthday

I awoke on the morning of my 16th birthday with renewed hope and a greater desire than ever before to find my mother. The tingle in my bones generated a felling of luck and strength to get what it was I wanted answers. My whole life my father would never answer any of my questions about her. It was always “You’re not old enough to understand. I will tell you some day, when you are older.” Then he would be lost in thought and I knew he was thinking about her. I am going to get answers. Today will be the day I begin my search. I know I can find her I have too.

“Good morning, Daddy. How did you sleep?” I asked my dad.
“Happy Birthday, Kylisha.” He said looking up from his book. My dad is the Principal of Sunset Valley High. His name is Trist Green and I am Kylisha.
“Thank you, Daddy. Would you mind if I don’t go to school today?” I asked in hopes he would let me stay home. I knew he would say no but it was worth a try.
Dad chuckled, “You know if I let you stay home on your birthday then the kids at school will not take me serious.” I picked up my favorite book, “Ra! Ra! Ra!” and started reading. My father just didn’t understand that the kids already think he is off his rocker.
“Ok Daddy, I’ll go.” I said in a defeated voice.
“Good, I have to go. I will see you in an hour. I love you Honey.” Trist said as he left for work.
“I love you too, Dad. See you at school.” I responded before he shut the door.

When I got to school, the doors remained locked. Parker Langerak, my boyfriend, greeted me with a birthday kiss.
“Hey Baby Happy Birthday!” Parker and I have been dating for three months. We have been friends since second grade when my dad was offered a position as the 10th grade science teacher.
“How has your morning been? I hope you aren’t mad at me for not calling you. I figured you wanted to be all dolled up. Are you mad?” He asked.
“No way. I could never be mad at you for not calling me. You and I know each other too well.” I answered as we embraced. Just then, my dad unlocked the doors. It was just a normal day at school. A few happy birthday wishes in the hall but other than that, normal.

My dad rented the Le Petit Shark Pool Center for my birthday. I was able to invite all of my friends and no one who did not receive an invitation can use the facility today. Yeah I know I am spoiled. My dad use to call me “Princess”. Whatever I asked for I received. The guy with the crew cut is Parker. The blonde-haired person is Lisa Bunch, the person in the orange shorts is Michael Bachelor, and the Brunette is Melody Castor. They are my best friends. Anyone else was just an acquaintance.

After my party, I went home and found my dad grading some homework. “Hi, Dad, Thank you for the great party! I had so much fun!” I exclaimed as I walked through the door.
"That’s great, Princess.” He said but he didn’t look up.
“What did you call me? You haven’t called me that since I was six. Are you okay?” I asked with true concern.
“Oh, yeah I am good. What did you get from your friends?” He didn’t sound like he wanted to hear so I saved him the trouble of listening. He was trying to work and he didn’t want to be bothered until he was done.
“I have a ton of homework. Can I tell you when I am done?” I waited a few moments and just sat down when he didn’t answer. “Do you think we could play a game or two of chess after homework?”I asked after a few moments. That was when we did our best talking.
“Sure, if that is what you like.” He replied while chewing on his correction pen.
Before I went to bed, my dad and I played a friendly game of Chess while I told him about the gifts.
“Melody got me Photography Vol. 1: Taking Off the Lens Cap. I wasn’t sure why, she knows I don’t have a camera. When I looked at her funny she just stated, “Bookworm!” So I didn’t think anything of it for a few moments.” Melody and I share that quality. We have shared every book we have ever read with each other.
“The recipes for Falafel and Shawarma came from Michael.” I showed him the index cards Michael hand wrote for me.
“When they fell out of the card he blushed and said, ‘When you get good at makin’ those would you invite me for dinner, or you could just bring me a plate,’ then everyone started laughing. You know Michael.”
Michael is the tight end of our football team. He could eat the whole town out of house and home. The boy just loves food.
 “Parker gave me the best gift. He got me the Hikon QX40di Gladiator.” I said excitedly.
“Wow. I didn’t know that was what you wanted. I could have got you one a long time ago.” My dad said. Then he started to laugh, “Checkmate. Want to play again?”
I don’t know what shocked me more, losing to my dad or if it was the sadness in his eyes even though he was laughing.
“Yeah, why not, I already know I am going to lose.” I said laughing with him.
We played one more game and talked more. “Lisa got me the ‘Dead-ly Delights’ fishing book.” I told my dad. I have never fished before so this was a strange gift. On the other hand, it was a book, and I do love to read.

Just then, it dawned on me that I had been dense. Everything has a connection to Egypt.
“What is going on? Why did all my friends get me things with an Egypt theme?” I questioned my dad as the rage grew inside me.
“Checkmate again. I need to teach you how to play chess.” He said trying to change the subject. “I haven’t given you my gift yet.”
While I put away the chess pieces, my dad held a beautifully wrapped box.
“I know I could buy you anything but the one thing you want most.” He said with strain in his voice. I wondered if my dad was feeling ok. I know he hasn’t been feeling well for about a month now but he wasn’t talking about it.
“Do you think we could go inside and talk while you open your gift?” He asked before I had a chance to open the box.

“Sure.” I tucked the box under my arm, my dad put his arm around me, and we walked inside.

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